Before Anesthesia
Before you visit DFW Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery for a surgical treatment in Irving, Mesquite, and Ennis, Texas, our Doctors and our team ask that you follow these instructions:
NPO (Nothing By Mouth): You may not have anything to eat or drink (including water) for six (6) hours prior to the appointment.
Smoking: No smoking, vaping, or marijuana use 5 days prior to surgery.
No Recreational Drugs: No use of any recreational drugs for 5 days prior to surgery.
Transportation: A responsible adult must accompany the patient to the office, remain in the office during the procedure, and drive the patient home.
Driving Restrictions: The patient should not drive a vehicle or operate any machinery for 24 hours following the anesthesia experience.
Attire: Please wear loose-fitting clothing withshort sleeves, and low-heeled shoes.
Personal Items: Contact lenses, jewelry, and dentures must be removed at the time of oral surgery. Do not wear lipstick, makeup, false lashes, long artificial nails the day of surgery.
Medical Conditions: If you have an illness such as a cold, sore throat, or stomach or bowel upset, please notify the office.
Medications: If you take routine oral medications, please check with one of our surgeons prior to your surgical date for instructions.
Diabetes/Weight Loss Medications: Stop use of diabetes or weight loss medications (e.g., Ozempic) one week before surgery. It is important for diabetic patients to bring their glucometer the day of surgery.
Minors: Mom or dad or legal guardian must be present the day of surgery.
Valuables: please leave with your driver or at home all valuables including cell phones, wallets, purses, electronics, airpods, jewelry, watches , sunglasses.
Requisitos para la anestesia
Por favor leer estas instrucciones cuidadosamente, el no seguirlas podrian causar la muerte o lesiones muy serias durante la cirugia.
- El paciente debe venir con el estomago vacio, no puede comer ni tomar nada 6 horas antes de la cirugia.
- NO puede usar ninguna DROGA RECREACIONAL 5 dias antes de la cirugia.
- NO PUEDE VAPEAR, NO FUMAR , NO MARIJUANA 5 dias antes de la cirugia.
- El paciente debe parar medicamentos para la diabetes o perdida de peso una semana antes de la cirugia. (ex. Ozempic)
- El paciente no puede estar con tos o congestion nasal el dia de la cirugia.
- El paciente puede tomar sus medicamentos el dia de la cirugia con un sorbo de agua.
- Si es diabetico, por favor traer su glucometro el dia de la cirugia.
El dia de la cirugia
- Por favor utilizar ropa cómoda y manga corta.
- No se permiten joyas, piercing, maquillaje, pestanas postizas, lentes de contacto o uñas artificiales (solo cortas).
- No se permiten electronicos, telefonos celulares en la cirugia o cuarto de recuperacion.
- Debe traer un conductor mayor de 18 años.
- El conductor debe permanecer en la oficina mientras el paciente esta en cirguia en caso de una emergencia.
- El paciente no debe manejar, e operar una maquinaria por 24 horas despues de la cirugia.
- El pago es requerido 4 dias antes de la cirugia
- Todos su objetos de valor se deben quedar con su conductor, Incluyendo celular, airpods, bileteras, cartera, joyas, relojes, e gafas de sol.