Facial Reconstruction

Facial Reconstruction

Irving Orthognathic Surgery

At DFW Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, our skilled surgeons perform orthognathic surgery in Irving to correct a variety of skeletal and dental irregularities. This corrective jaw surgery is essential when the alignment of the jaws is off or the teeth don’t fit well together. First, an orthodontist straightens the teeth, then our surgeons adjust the position of the jaws. This not only enhances facial aesthetics but also ensures that the teeth and jaws align correctly for improved function.

Who Needs Orthognathic Surgery?

Corrective jaw surgery (orthognathic) is beneficial for individuals facing issues like an improper bite or misaligned jaws. Sometimes, the upper jaw (maxilla) and lower jaw (mandible) don’t grow evenly, which can cause problems such as difficulty with chewing, speaking, or breathing disorders like sleep apnea, and can impact long-term oral health and facial appearance and aesthetics. Injuries and birth defects may also lead to issues with jaw alignment. While braces can fix teeth alignment alone, corrective jaw surgery, offered at our Irving office, is necessary to address skeletal deformities of maxillary and mandibular misalignment.

Difficulty in the following areas should be evaluated:

Some symptoms might be present from birth, develop due to hereditary or environmental influences, or occur after a facial trauma. Before starting any treatment, it’s important to have a comprehensive consultation with our Irving oral and maxillofacial surgeons and an orthodontist. This pretreatment consultation includes a thorough examination and X-rays. During this time, you should ask any questions you have about your dental care. Once you are fully informed about all aspects of your treatment, you and your dental team can decide together on the best course of action for managing your dental health.

Technology and Orthognathic Surgery

At DFW Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, our orthognathic surgeons harness cutting-edge technology and 3D models to clearly demonstrate the approach for your corrective jaw and mandible surgery at our Irving office. During the planning process, we create custom-made plates and custom jaw positioning guides. By collecting comprehensive clinical data and employing advanced 3D imaging, we meticulously craft a precise surgical plan. This thorough preparation ensures both you and our team understand the treatment process fully and achieve our objectives with utmost accuracy.

At DFW Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, if you’re identified as a candidate for orthognathic (corrective jaw surgery), our Irving doctors will work with your dentist and orthodontist during your treatment. This surgery adjusts the position of your teeth and jaws, creating a more aesthetic and functional dental-facial relationship.