

BiteLock™: All-On-4 Dental Implants in Mesquite

Do you currently wear dentures? If so, you aren’t alone – and just like other dentures wearers, you understand that these fixtures aren’t perfect. Between their tendency to come loose at the wrong times to the discomfort they can bring to your mouth, living with dentures isn’t a great experience.

Fortunately, we can do better at DFW Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Instead of living with dentures, consider opting for our BiteLock All-on-4 Dental Implant solution, which our Mesquite same-day dental team likes to call Teeth in a Day. Far from dentures, this is an all-on-four implant application that will leave you with teeth that are as durable as they are beautiful.
By needing just a single surgery to complete this application, you’ll be able to go home with a prosthesis in place that will allow you to smile wide and be proud of your new teeth. And, thanks to the stronger connection between your jaw and the teeth, you’ll be able to chew like you haven’t been able to do in years. If you left some of your favorite foods behind years ago, you can start to welcome them back into your life right away.

Do you currently wear dentures? If so, you aren’t alone – and just like other dentures wearers, you understand that these fixtures aren’t perfect. Between their tendency to come loose at the wrong times to the discomfort they can bring to your mouth, living with dentures isn’t a great experience.

Fortunately, we can do better at DFW Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Instead of living with dentures, consider opting for our BiteLock All-on-4 Dental Implant solution, which our Mesquite same-day dental team likes to call Teeth in a Day. Far from dentures, this is an all-on-four implant application that will leave you with teeth that are as durable as they are beautiful.

By needing just a single surgery to complete this application, you’ll be able to go home with a prosthesis in place that will allow you to smile wide and be proud of your new teeth. And, thanks to the stronger connection between your jaw and the teeth, you’ll be able to chew like you haven’t been able to do in years. If you left some of your favorite foods behind years ago, you can start to welcome them back into your life right away.

One issue we see frequently is denture wearers who have experienced bone loss and have been told they aren’t a good candidate for dental implants. With the BiteLock process, our Mesquite All-on-4 dental implant professionals can pick the ideal spots within your jaw that still have good bone health and density to accept the implants. With just four implants added, a full mouth of teeth can then be attached, and you’ll gain in both aesthetics and performance.

Don’t put off dental implants and the lifestyle upgrade they can deliver any longer. BiteLock is the treatment that solves many of your oral health conditions, so reach out today to our same-day dental team in Mesquite to learn more.


  • Gain teeth in a single day
  • No bone grafting needed
  • Eliminate plastic in your mouth
  • Get back to enjoying great food
  • Live without loose dentures
  • Love the way you look